We all have issues in the tissues

I had a bad accident in my early 40s. It completely threw me off my material trajectory and into exploring options besides a titanium rod down my back. I discovered an essential truth – our body speaks to and for us, its language is the first we learn. Our body is the physical container for our emotional & spiritual wellness. It stores our deepest internal narratives, ones we hide from everyone including ourselves. We ignore it at our peril.

My yoga teaching training began, asana, breathwork, meditation. My body and mind became, and are still, the strongest and most flexible they have ever been.

I explored many energetic healing tools and practices, finding some jewels and others that glittered but were not gold.  I searched for, and came home to, those that gave me insights into all my layers, asked me to question more and not less. I dived deep into the Wu-Xing, studied TCM in Asia, learnt from the wise elders of the Hawaiian tradition.

My first life lesson

Question everything. Not because someone is lying. I do think that the answers to life are for the most part a little more complicated than a rusty old saying. This questioning was not welcomed in my family of origin, and I left at an early age. When the internet turned up, it was an answer to this curious yogi’s prayers. Access to wisdom from across the globe, it enabled me to understand those that were universal truths, and those that were contemporary conveniences or mores, destined for page 34 and beyond on google. I went to University, completed a Bachelor and Honours degree in Economics, and began my ‘work’ career.

As we are within, so we are without…

Go Within to be Happy Without

My life trajectory was a materially successful one. House, car, successful management consultant, travelling the world. I left my first partner of 8 years, when I discovered,after giving birth to a child, that I was also living with one in adult clothes. Painful though that leaving was, I felt emotionally together. On the outside, I was on fire. A panther, moving with ease and stealth, happily living the solo life. Then one day, decided to see a psychotherapist. For a tune up, I said to my friends.

I tore my life down.  Began meditation & yoga in earnest, found a master. I fell in love again, moved to Asia to support my partner’s career. This relationship faded like an old photo. My desire for inner space of spirit and peace took me away from his blooming narcissism.  The universe opened many of its secrets to me, and made me, and continues to guide me, as the spiritual warrior I now am.

The happy ending is there is no happy ending. The occasional falling out of my universal flow,  a few near death experiences, each time a stronger resurgence in faith.   That love is all there is. Love.Me.We.You.

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